Location :

851 Durham Road, Suite B,

Wake Forest, NC 27587

Time: 9AM-5PM

All materials and lunch provided.

Rest and Refresh Retreat

Are you tired of living fatigued?

You spend your days working hard, caring for the needs of your family, coworkers, and friends. You're tired.

Scratch that.

You're more than tired.

You're toast.

You know there has to be another way to live this life, but you just can't figure out how to make space for you. The occasional mani/pedi or massage is great, but it's just not enough.

Enter the Rest & Refresh Women's Retreat. It's a day just for you with real skills and & real rest. Not only will you experience a different paradigm, you'll meet other women who are on this journey with you.

We know if can be so hard to set aside time for yourself, but if your oxygen mask isn't on you can't care well for others. Stop the burnout. Stop the cycle. Start something new.

Register today.
Invest in yourself for only $247

(or use code EARLYBIRD for $50 off before June 1st!)

Rest and Refresh Retreat

What to Expect

You'll be treated to a continental breakfast with coffee and teas. Then you'll be guided by trauma therapist Amanda Ramey through exercises that allow you to explore yourself and invite you into true, deeper rest. Then you'll be treated to a nourishing lunch. The afternoon brings more exploration and invitation to bring rest from the retreat to your whole life.

You'll get a comprehensive list of tools to take home with you to keep the retreat going in your day-to-day life. We'll close with a ritual of connection to self and others that will help you return to life settled in mind, soul, and body.

Here's what past participants are saying:

"Every aspect of the morning session was informative and allowed me to make connections in order to fully participate in the exercises. I learned new skills to regulate that I've never known before." January 2024 Participant

"The activities were all phenomenal. Amanda's presentation was thoughtful, knowledgeable, and so very helpful." January 2024 Participant

"This was all such powerful information! All the materials and time to really engage with them were great. Knowledge is power and the materials really helped me to visualize what was being taught." January 2024 Participant

What will your story be? Register today!

Invest in yourself for only $247

(or use code EARLYBIRD for $50 off before June 1st!)

Start Registration Below

Please fill out the form below to register for the Rest & Refresh Retreat

Terms & Conditions

All Sales Are Final

Refunds & Transfers

All deposits, payments, and balances for the Rest & Refresh Women's Retreat are non-refundable. However, we understand that emergencies happen, so if you know you are unable to attend by 30 June 2024 you may be able to transfer or sell your seat as long as the person who is buying your seat completes the intake process with Amanda.

After 30 June 2024 seat transfers will not be allowed for any reason.

If you are traveling in to the retreat, It is recommended that you purchase travel insurance, which can protect you by refunding monies paid if you need to cancel your trip due to an emergency. Travel insurance is very affordable and can protect you in other ways as well.

Changes or Cancellations

The Journey and The Process reserves the right to reschedule the Retreat. If rescheduled, participants may choose to receive a full refund or may transfer – with no fee – to the rescheduled Retreat. If we cancel for any reason, all payments will be refunded.

Involuntary Withdrawal

Occurrences resulting in the involuntary withdrawal or expulsion of a participant from the Retreat will include, but not be limited to: arrest, criminal conviction, inappropriate/anti-social behavior, or such act reasonably be expected to cause harm to any participant. Participants withdrawn involuntarily will not receive a refund. 

Participation Waiver

Registrant acknowledges that registration and participation is voluntary, and that by registering for this Retreat that she is solely responsible for any loss, damage or injury, including death, that may be sustained on the premises or any location where any Retreat is being conducted.

Publicity Waiver

The Journey and The Process will consider photographs taken of participants during the retreat to be permissible for publication in marketing publications, including the web.


Retreat fees must be paid in full at the time of the registration.

By submitting payment, participant agrees to the terms and conditions governing the Retreat, including the refund policies.